WhatsApp Business Account Message Limit
# WhatsApp Business Account Message Limit
# Business account message limit description
Message limit determines the number limit of chats initiated by businesses via each phone number in 24 consecutive hours. Such limit is not applicable to chats initiated by users. When the first message is sent to the customer, the business-initiated chat starts and will end in 24 hours.
Message limit includes 5 levels:
In 24 consecutive hours, start 250 business-initiated chats with independent customers (unverified trial level).
In 24 consecutive hours, start 1,000 business-initiated chats with independent customers.
In 24 consecutive hours, start 10,000 business-initiated chats with independent customers.
In 24 consecutive hours, start 100,000 business-initiated chats with independent customers.
In 24 consecutive hours, unlimited number of business-initiated chats.
According to your phone number status, phone number quality score, and the frequency of initiating chats with independent customers, the system will increase or reduce your message limit level.
At beginning, in 24 consecutive hours, all businesses only can use phone numbers to initiate 1,000 chats with independent customers. If it's over limit, you can initiate more chats immediately after one or more ongoing chats end. For example:
# View current message limit level of the account
If you want to view current message limit, please go to WhatsApp Management Tool (opens new window) > Overview Panel > Effect Analysis tab:
# How to increase message limit level
When you start a new chat with independent customer, the system will judge whether to increase your limit level or not. The judgement is based on the following criteria:
Your phone number (opens new window)status is associated
Your phone number quality score (opens new window) is medium or high
In the past 7 days, you have cumulatively initiated chats equal to at least half of the current message limit to independent customers
If you meet all the above conditions, the system will raise your message limit by one level after 24 hours.
For example 1, message limit will be raised by one level in 2 days: Note: If the 500th chat is initiated at 3 p.m. (for example), the system will increase the message limit level at 3 p.m. the next day (after 24 hours).
For example 2, message limit will be raised by one level in 4 days: Note: If the 500th chat is initiated at 7 p.m. (for example), the system will increase the message limit level at 7 p.m. the next day (after 24 hours).
# Message limit level downgrade mechanism
When you start a new chat with independent customer, the system will check your phone number quality (opens new window) score. If the quality score is always low in the past 7 days, the system will downgrade your message limit by one level.
# About quality score
Your quality score is based on the situation of the recipient receiving messages in the past 7 days and is weighted according to time. It is determined by the combination of multiple quality signals in chats between the company and users. The example includes various user feedback signals, such as blocking, reporting or reasons provided by users when reporting businesses.
The phone number tab in WhatsApp management tool lists the phone number status, quality score and message limit of the WhatsApp Business business account. For details, please view WhatsApp Business business account message quality score introduction (opens new window).
# ● How to keep a high quality score
Ensure that messages comply with WhatsApp Business Policy (opens new window) and Commerce Policy (opens new window)
Send messages only to users who choose to receive businesses' messages
Make highly individualized settings for messages to make it useful for users and avoid sending open greetings or introduction messages.
Note the message sending frequency; avoid sending too many messages to customers every day. Please consider carefully before sending information messages, and make full use of message content and length